I’d heard a lot about Volver but didn’t hope for much—most hyped flms turn out to be disappointments, but not this one…
The Rundown
Behind the name: Translation- “To Come Back”
Country: Spain, 2006
Genre: Drama
Distributed by: Miramax Films
Cast: Penélope Cruz (as Raimunda) Carmen Maura (as Irene) Lola Dueñas (as Soledad) Blanca Portillo (as Agustina) Yohana Cobo (as Paula) Chus Lampreave (as Tía Paula) Antonio de la Torre (as Paco) Carlos Blanco (as Emilio)
Compare to: Itself
Hate it or Love it? Love it!
Synopsis in a Sentence: Current events draw Raimuda and Sole to the mysteries of their past, and they discover (or re-discover) what it means “to come back.”
On Writing: The Plot
A good one—A great one! Volver brings a unique and mysterious plot to the screen. It’s a story about death, family relationships, and the mysteries of the past like you’ve never experienced before.
On Acting: The Cast
A great cast. They’ll draw you in. The predominantly female network of screen actors works well:
Penelope Cruz steals the show in this one. Her portrayal of Raimunda is authentic, raw, and dynamic.

On Production: The Creativity
Very well done. Very well done. Excellent symbolism, great shots, and artistic transitions: the production is so flawlessly delivered; it almost competes with the plot. It’s the perfect match for a great plot. Together, they do this film wonders.
On Resolution: The Conclusion
Good, great, and everything in between. This is one film I’ll be raving about. If at first you think the story is good, wait until the end. It’s well worth it.
The Verdict: A fantastic watch! It’ll have you coming back for more!
Overall Score = 17.5/20